View Profile Manuel-Dangelo
Somewhere between Bleezard and Marble

Age 36, Male

Student/3D designer

Universidad de Buenos Aires


Joined on 11/30/09

Exp Points:
2,700 / 2,840
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5.81 votes
Art Scouts
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Manuel-Dangelo's News

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - August 5th, 2010

EDIT: sory guys, the submission is posposed

Hey pplz:

This winter break has been quite a productive period, but the most important thing goes first. I've fjust finished the demo version of "Disturbance", the videogame in which SyndromeGames and I've being working since... about new year... I guess.
The game is a basic plataformer + puzzle with an acceptable story, and I've putted a lot of effort on art and animation, so hope you to like it, be sever with the reviews and generous with the scoring.
How ever, even if it's all ready, I'll keep it holding until august the 14th (about 16:00 gtm 0, 13:00 gtm -3 Bs.As. or 11:00 gtm-5 east coast.) to have you all here for the official release. submission will be made on two parts: intro (short animation) as one submission, and Demo (the game itself) as the other submission. Mostly because of a problem with FPS rate while developing.

Secondly. I've finally finished the animatic for the Music video ManuelBerja begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting and I are going to do. This is the first serious step and I can't show much so far yet I'm sure you'll love it. Promise.

Although my lil sis and I have managed to acquire a "medeli mc70" electronic keyboard for just USD 200!!! (you wish you were that lucky) it's totally new (not the model, just the keyboard) and I've already started to record with it so I'll try to hit the A-portal periodically since now.

Last but not least, My family and I have been out for a week. We went to IguazĂș falls. God be blessed, man! There are no words to explain it and pictures are just not enough. You have to go see it by yourself.

Remember, Saturday the 14th.

Saturday the 14th, Disturbance Demo

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - July 10th, 2010

Bot-Crew fulfilled

Happy robot day 2010 everyone.
Against all the predictions I managed to fulfill my plan of reinterpreting the whole official bots on NewGrounds for the Robots Day AND the T-Bot concept as a small gift/tribute to all the writers here in the grounds.
As my contribution to the Robotic Cult here has been done, the stile I started with I-Bot will keep affecting some of the most famous (and infamous) character which raised this place.

Thanks a lot to MindChamber for both bringing this day with the chance it implicates for all of us focused on the Metal instead of the Flash or the Fur, although for accepting the colors proposed in my art for the official I-Bot's design... I know it's a very little contribution, but the feeling of have influenced even in such a little way on the history of something growing so big and fast as this site does helps ones self-esteem and ego.
Although thanks to Jeff for a great Art tip, even if I have the feeling that I've got "user ignored" by him (because of a dumb question of mine) I'm applying it and its working quite well so far.

As winter breack is about to start I'm having a family trip for one week and then I'll finish Disturbance's demo, the game Jacob D. and I am are working on.
From there on I'll be working on some more art and a music video along-side Manuel Berja about Piconjo.

Concluding. I'm not going great monetarily talking and I'm going to need some new material for college in the remaining semester (+ I don't feel confident about the art contest), so I'm going to do commissioned art works. And I mean all of them, from doodles and sketches to 3D environments and objects.
I'll post the prices soon but, for now, you can know that the base price for the sketches is USD 2,25

Tanks you very much.

Robot day, People!!!

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - June 4th, 2010

Hey guys! (N' ladies):
You may, or may not, know that I draw as a habit. No cigarette, no alcohol, no hallucinogens or stupefacient but simple graphite-paper and computer.
The thing is that I always sketch when I'm bored or distracted and lastly with the bots day coming over I've had a lot of robotic inspirations.
As I'm busy as hell with the college works and some Flash project (including my preparative for the bot day) I'm not being able to make this ones up for July the 10th, so if some of you want to polish & publish this guys on your own feel free to PM me, Ill send you the link to the file in My dumping lands to download the 300 PPI JPG file.

Free sketchs For Robot Day

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - May 7th, 2010

Doode, college got me down. For two weeks I couldn't use the computer for nothing but Practical works, I made 2 whole detailed objects with mechanical functions (and when I say full detail I mean al the screw, bolts and gears) plus one handmade and 2 printed blueprints and a hell out of renders and actual real sized model of one o them. I hadn't had the time for sleeping all 4 nights straight (not joking, Literal)
Not to mention how delayed I'm in all of my other projects, how ever, I'll be getting hand on all of them ASAP.
Jacob (SyndromeGames) IOU 2 animations for the demo version of Disturbance, I'm on it.
Plus you'll soon get news about another project in which I'm 3D director.

PD: as I have had to take brakes of the continuous computer in order of keeping my last slash of mental sanity I've being sketching a lot. Guess what I did, I've reinterpreted all the bot-crew (except F-Bot) + a crisis mode for my I-bot Reinterpretation and a whole new bot concept dedicated to the hard workers on the writing forum. I'll try to get them all in poster quality fot June the 19th (bot day). If someone wants to make a n animation with them for the bot day just send me a PM.

I'll probably be working in a Music-Video with the Limp Bizkit "behind Blue Eyes"'s vertion

Hell Week

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - March 26th, 2010

Hey everybody!! As I promised today 3/26/2010 I'm officially releasing Art and Flash for the "I-bot Reinterpretation" you can check what it's all about on my last 3 newsposts, but for the short: I wanted to draw about I-bot (cause he doesn't have a body yet) so I made a first attempt, MindChamber reviewed it and give some tips about what the Staff has in mind for him, so I made another attempt to get something close to what they have (or something that could help as inspiration or a second opinion) and as I couldn't realy deside about the colour... I made the flash.

So, I'm hopping to get a bit of the Spotlight with it and I'll probably be hated by some co-artist and user for this, but I want you to know that I'm going to link some special Downloads I'll put on my Dumping lands as a celebration if I get any price on the art or flash portal (although as feed back for all of those who have at least check them).
If 3rd price in art daily= true/ huge max quality JPG.
If 2nd price in art daily= true/ Huge max quality PNG with alpha
If 1st or FP on art/ 3rd, 2nd or 1st in flash daily= true/ Wallpapers
All the Downloads will be themed on the I-bot Reinterpretation. Althought, as the Flash submission will allow you to check him in most of the available colors users will be allowed to vote which color they want the image to be (only the available ones)..

In other news, I'm just working on one last animation for the game that SyndromeGame and I are developing, so the demo should be out soon.
Although, I have plans for a big team work. It would be a game with 3D art themed on NG and a futuristic space behavior. So the recruit starts right now... mainly needing programmers and some music would be great.
BTW I have to reformat My HD so I'll provably be out for a few days starting Monday, so... this is it for now. Hope you all to like the submissions, if you have any question you can drop your comments, reviews or PMs.

New Flash and Art, released!!

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - March 20th, 2010

Hey People. Beat that boop up everybody. I just want you to know that the short flash I'm working on is already 50% completed. It's all based on I-bot and called "I-bot reinterpretation". You can check what is it all about in my last 3 posts if you want.

Edit 03/23/2010:
Ok everyone. The Flash is 100% done. release is going to be friday 26th at 19:00 -3GT (Buenos Aires - Georgetown) so you'll have it about 17:00 (5PM) at East coast (US and Canda) and about 15:00 (3PM) at West Coast (US and Canada). I can't tell all the other countries, pleas check your GTM and be ready to check and vote like creazy (if you might).
I'll try to make a correction on the art submission before the official release, that's why I'm not submitting it until friday.

BTW: here you got a sap of preloaded and colours check.

I-bot Reinterpretation 50% done

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - March 18th, 2010

If you check My last post you'll see what is this all about.
For short, I've made art about I-bot baced on a few tips MindChamber gived.
The art is done and submitted, but I'm not going to release it officially until 3/26/2010 when I hope to have a flash Sketchbook/game to submit.
The Flash is going well, smooth and fast. I just have to add a few more pics and text, some alpha interpolation and the classic "go to" action-script and it'll be done.

Now, I'll probably be hated by some co-artist and user for this, but I want you to know that I'm going to link some special Downloads I'll put on my Dumping lands as a celebration if I get any price on the art or flash portal (although as feed back for all of those who have at least check them).

If 3rd price in art daily= true/ huge max quality JPG.
If 2nd price in art daily= true/ Huge max quality PNG with alpha
If 1st or FP on art/ 3rd, 2nd or 1st in flash daily= true/ Wallpapers

All the Downloads will be themed on the I-bot Reinterpretation. Althought, as the Flash submission will allow you to check him in most of the available colors users will be allowed to vote which color they want the image to be (only the available ones).

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - March 10th, 2010

Man! I can't believe how many things happened since my last post. got reviewed bi MindChamber, new I-bot art-work attempt started, I-bot userpage overtrolled, game reaching "demos phase" and finally turned into certificated archer (yes, actual real-life archer)

First thing first,

MindChamber's review.

The original, the real, the only (overacting) MindChamber.
Yes sir, The NG robotical overload made himself the time to check my art work about I-bot over look, the one who lastly upgraded the A-bot and gived glory to M-bot with a kicking ass game did not only appreciate my submission as an average art-work (9/10) but although gave some awesome tips about how the I-bot will look like.
Here is the text of the review which you can corroborate in my I-bot submission and in the pic at the bottom of this post.

"Nice design and "I" stands for Image"
by: MindChamber
date: March 8, 2010
I really like the toughness and look of the character.
I-Bots kinda the nerdy bunch of the crew , with big eyes, and a long skinny body.
the yellow is cool, but GBots already yellow :)
nice work!

New attempt at "I-bot art work"

The thing is that this overloaded my "creativistouline producer" and I'm already flashing with a new art work, I have the sketch already done and I'm already working on the colours.
NO MERCY THIS TIME, I'm going to use the traditional NG stile, all made in flash CS3 stealing a bit of MindChamber and JonnyUtah's art stile. And no more inspiration on previous bots, all it'll be done in reference to the specifications gave in the review, although fix the colour problem (as G-bot is yellow I'm thinking in white or grey but I'll try all the colours still availables).
You can already check the sketch in my art section for full-sice or a quick pic on the little one at the bottom of the post.

Awful coincidence!!!

OK, I do believe in coincidence but can't help the bad filling of me sending a lot f trollers to I-bot userpage. Can't say that I told them to go and do the jerk there ut the fact is that after my I-bot submission in the art portal a huge load of bad-ass started trolling him. I'm not talking about the ones who just asked "what does the I stands for" (MAN! I guessed it and I was right, can't be that hard!) I'm talking about serious mother-f***er trolls, insulting and pissing I-bot out.
Amassing man, JUST amassing, you people managed to piss out the only one bot who was still responding to news comments AND YOU DID IT EVEN BEFORE HIM TO GET FUNCTIONAL.
I just cant help the feeling of me having something to do with it and the thing is that "this wasn't my intention, my intension where good" I just wanted to give a power-up to him. I'm seriously sorry man, for both I-bot and staff, I'm sorry.

Game reaching "demo version"

Any way, I'm glad to announce that the game that we the Dufie (Jacob Dufie from SyndromeGames) and I are developing is finally reaching the preview version, there is still a lot of work to do and the demo is not going to be don for this month (probably) but you can expect it soon, and got to say, for a non sponsored work it's looking awesome. The demo will include the first 5 or 6 LVLs with respective boss witch comprehend the first area on six total areas. It's going to be more a intro to the story so I hope to get you hooked up.

Officially Archer

And last but not least, the last month and 3 weeks I being learning archery and I'm now certificated and allowed to shoot lethal arrows to defenceless straw blanks, and the "Lethal" is literal, actual arrows can penetrate 7mm pure still planks with a 60lb bow (60lb is not the weight but the tension of the string, it gives 60lb power to the arrow). I already have my first 3 arrows and still practising with the club bows but hopping to acquire my own personal bow soon.
For those who have played with an RPG hunter, ranger or any kind of archer I tell you it has nothing to do with real archery.

PS: just FTR I want to thanks XwaynecoltX for it's reviewing work on my art historial.
Although I introduce you my two last scouted artists, you may already know manuelberja for his flash works, well now his is in the art portal, so hope you to go and pay a voting/visit to his art. Although Lytzz (author of the Madness preloader I and II) who amusingly wasn't yet scouted, so now you have the chance to check it out in the official way.
Remember to pay a visit to may scouter (NanakiSan) he has being working like crazy the last weeks and has a big load of new 3D material on the art portal.

Full-power news

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - March 3rd, 2010

I finily finished the I-bot concept art I was working at.
Hope it to help as a contribution to the NG culture even if the I-bot official overlook might have already been settled.

I just can hold it man, I want us (artists) to have our own bot, and they say that it's almost done, but man, just can't wait.

Please, support this sample of technologic art if you dare.

Check the art submition here!!

Posted by Manuel-Dangelo - January 12th, 2010

The game is already taking form and I've already liked it, and it already has a name (but I'm not going to tell you which is it yet).
Art work as you may imagine is going really well (joke joke, don't hit me xD) and game play is going great. We are always having to figure it out how to force the story to make any cense, even so it's growing smoothly.

Here as usual is the art progress:

Icon 46x46 done
Terrains LVL: 1-2-6 improoved and complemented
Cinematics: 4/10 aprox
characters: 5/5 aprox
Faces: 8/?
switchs & objects: 7/?
backgrownds LVL: 1-6 done
Enemies: 5/?
Area Bosses: 1/4 aprox
butons: 2/?
Main Menu done
spikes done
Pendular axe done
log trap done
movile log bridge

in Progres:
LVL3 terains
flames animation
Space portal

PS: check my last art submissions (non related to the game)

Game Growing